Behaviour at DBCPS
At DBCPS, we recognise that we have a responsibility to provide an engaging and creative learning environment and that this promotes good behaviour in the classroom.
Consistency in approach by all staff is paramount and our Behaviour Policy has a clear structure in order to ensure all staff use positive language at all times alongside a range of positive strategies to help ensure pupils learn and play in a safe and happy environment.
Parents have a shared responsibility in ensuring their child behaves well and must support the school in providing appropriate strategies to support their child. This will be achieved through parents and carers understanding the policy and through effective communication between home and school.
The emphasis is on empowering our pupils through a range of rewards and encouraging pupils to achieve their personal goals. Pupils will have responsibilities, ownership of strategies and awareness of the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.
Adults at DBCPS recognise and value good behaviour and achievement. The school uses the following on a regular basis:
- Good to be Green Strategy rewards positive behaviour linked to our school values.
- Praise both verbal and non-verbal including Read, Write Inc behaviour strategies
- Class Dojo points whereby children ‘earn’ points for positive work behaviours. For those children who achieve the highest scores in each class, Dojo Master Certificates are awarded.
- Reading certificates are awarded to children who have read at least 100 times along with a brand new book which the child can choose from a selection.
- From Key Stage 2 children also participate weekly in their 77 Club (Maths times tables) and should they pass the times table they are working on that week they are rewarded with a certificate for this.
Good to be Green Strategy
“It’s Good to be Green –It’s better to be Golden!”
All children start on green every day and the expectation is that they will stay there through the day – most children will get it right most of the time.
Any discussion with children around their behaviour at all times of the day will be based on the behaviours that are described in our DBCPS values:
There will be a chance for going onto the “silver” or “gold” - above the green - for those children who go above and beyond with their behaviour. They will get a silver or gold symbol recorded on the class chart at the end of the day if their name remains in that place. These gold and silvers are turned into points and once children reach set point totals they receive a prize to recognise their achievements.
A range of positive strategies will be used to support any child with behaviour difficulties, warnings will be given, de-escalation strategies used and consequences are dependent on the severity of the incident. At every stage pupils will be given the opportunity to reflect on their actions and engage in decisions on strategies to help improve the situation.
Initially behaviour consequences will be given by the adult in charge in the classroom or area of the school where the incident took place but behaviour that results in moving to orange or red always involves the class teacher or a member of the leadership team and parents are informed.
For some pupils, an individual behaviour target sheet will be put in place for a fixed period of time. This is to help pupils reflect on and monitor their own behaviour during the day and take responsibility for their actions.
Parents/carers will be expected to participate and support their child and the school by supporting the strategies in place to improve their child’s behaviour.