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Dartford Bridge Primary

Maths Curriculum

At Dartford Bridge Community Primary School, the intent of the mathematics curriculum is to design a curriculum, which is achievable to all and will maximise the development of every child’ s ability and academic achievement.

We deliver lessons that are creative and engaging using the White Rose Maths scheme.

At DBCPS we aim for all children:

  • to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non- routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

We do this through the following core concepts:

  • Number and Place Value
  • Calculations
  • Shape space measure
  • Statistics
  • Reasoning and problem solving

Within our maths curriculum we cover the following core themes:

  • Children are able to manipulate numbers through the development of their mental maths skills.
  • Children learn through concrete, Pictorial and abstract representations and teaching.
  • Children are able to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving, articulating their mathematical understanding in age-appropriate ways.
  • Children develop a mathematical understanding of the world around them, making connections in real life contexts. 


In Maths, fluency, problem solving, reasoning and relational understanding are at the heart of our learning progression. We use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach and allow pupils to spend enough time to fully explore a topic, reinforcing it with practice, before moving onto the next. All new ideas are built on prior knowledge and pupils have ample opportunity to develop relationships between topics. We hope to provide a basis for pupils to develop their understanding of the world as they learn to reason mathematically and to acquire an appreciation of the beauty and power of maths together with a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. As part of this, we want pupils to be able to accurately articulate their thoughts and opinions through the acquisition and use of technical and non-technical vocabulary.


Mental Maths

In EYFS, basic counting and number recognition skills are developed using numbers from zero to 20.

In KS1 children develop their mental and concrete understanding of the relationship between numbers through a daily small group learning as part of the Number Masters programme. This covers numbers up to 100 and enables pupils to develop their confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value.

The learning of times tables forms part of the mental skills development in KS2, moving from the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in KS1 to the knowledge of all the tables up to 12 times and the associated division facts by the end of Year 4.

Development of concrete, visual and abstract understanding

From EYFS through to Year 6, new concepts are introduced using concrete, manipulative resources to establish a clear understanding. Learning then moves to a visual stage where understanding is developed through visualisation using number lines, bar modelling and annotated drawings for example. Finally the concept is shown in an abstract form that is age appropriate. For example, grid method recording of multiplication in Year 3, moves on to vertical multiplication in Year 4.

Fluency, reasoning and problem solving

In EYFS, this includes solving simple maths problems using concrete resources to add and subtract small amounts and developing an understanding of the concepts of more and less and the ordering of numbers.
In KS1, children develop their fluency in the use of the four operations (=, -, x, ÷ ), and other mathematical concepts including simple fractions, shape and space, measure including time and money and the statistical representation of data. They then develop their reasoning skills about these concepts through solving simple one step problems and being able to articulate their reasoning, reading and spelling mathematical vocabulary correctly.
These skills are further developed through KS2 as children learn how to apply their fluency to increasingly complex, multi-step and multi-operation problems. The concepts covered include further work on fractions, percentages, decimal numbers and ratio.

Real life contexts

Mathematical reasoning and problem solving are closely linked to real life contexts with connections being made to other areas of the curriculum as far as possible. Through our enterprising weeks, children are given the opportunity to apply their mathematical learning as part of explaining the answer to a foundation subject, topic based question through independent and group work.


Calculation Policy

Our school has a consistent approach to calculation methods that is based on a progression from using concrete manipulatives (such as counters, cubes or place value counters) to pictorial representation and finally to abstract methods. 

Calculation Policy

We use a number of online resources to support the teaching and learning of maths in school and children in KS2 are often set homework tasks using the online platform MyMaths.

year 1 guide for parents

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