PE is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. At DBCPS we use the objectives from the National Curriculum as the basis for the planning in weekly PE lessons.
We ensure pupils have access to 2 PE lessons per week. PE is taught by individual class teachers who, together, take responsibility for planning, resourcing and delivering this area of the curriculum.
P.E is taught through the following key concepts:
- Space
- Movement
- Control
- Balance
- Co-ordination
- Invasion
- Defence
- Weight
Within our P.E curriculum we cover the following core themes:
- Multi skills
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Invasion Games
- Athletics
- Throwing and Catching
- Outside Adventures
- Being Fit and Healthy
- Swimming
- Forest School
By connecting our British Values through the teaching of Physical Education, we explore issues that affect us all in our lives and this helps inform decisions that will shape our future for example, by providing opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed British values such as fairness and respect.
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum also provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.
Forest school style lessons in the EYFS help children develop many physical skills which encourages children both to be active and to develop fine and gross motor skills. In addition, children learn to assess, appreciate and take risks enabling them to make sensible, informed decisions about how to tackle the activities and experiences they encounter. This helps them learn to be self-sufficient which in turn boosts their confidence and self-esteem.
In EYFS, we encourage the physical development of our children in the nursery and reception classes as an integral part of their work. Nursery and reception will follow the EYFS curriculum which underpin the curriculum planning for children aged three to five years of age. We encourage the children to develop confidence and control of the way they move, and the way they handle equipment. We give all children the opportunity to undertake activities that offer appropriate physical challenge, both indoors and outdoors, using a wide range of resources to support specific skills including their gross and fine motor skills.
As the children move into Year 1 the learning from EYFS is connected to the development a greater understanding of fundamental movement skills, which include balance, agility and co-ordination. This enables them to develop physical skills and an understanding of the movements of their body, particularly in the use of space, time and energy. They show an awareness of why exercise is good for their health and they can talk about how their bodies feel before, during and after exercise.
As the children move into Year 2, they move in a range of ways with control, and they can perform short series of actions with changes in level, speed, and direction. The children will develop a co-ordination skills and develop simple movement patterns. They will be able to explain why they need to warm up and cool down and describe the effects exercise has on their bodies.
As the children move into Year 3 the children will develop their previous learning by using a broad range of movement skills with more control and consistency. They will begin to use skills effectively to execute simple attack and defence strategies in a range of game situations. Alos, they will begin to use fundamental movement skills in combination in sequences and small game situations. They will gain confidence as their physical skills develop in different areas. They will identify similarities and differences in their own and others work and they can say which actions/ movements are easier or harder.
As the children move into Year 4 use fundamental movement skills in combination and with increasing confidence. They will combine movements to produce different outcomes. The skills that they have learnt they will use to execute simple attack and defence strategies in a range of modified games. They use their special awareness, and they can describe what they can do and suggest how they can improve and explain why one action is more effective than another using the criteria for success.
As the children move into Year 5, they will use a wide range of different movements in combination, maintaining good control in game situations. They will adapt different movements when performing and identify key aspects of their own performance and how they can improve it. During the lessons, the children will be able to explain how to develop their own and others work.
As the children move into Year 6 they will combine complex sequences of actions with quality and fluency whilst showing confidence when they change the movements and skills to meet the outcome. They will apply their skills confidently in a range of sporting activities. During the lesson they will identify their key strengths and weaknesses of their own and other performances and they can identify how they can improve. In addition, swimming and water safety is taught in Key Stage Two with the expectation, as per the national curriculum, that all children leave being able to confidently swim 25m.
sports premium
Click here to understand how the Sports Premium is used at DBCPS.