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Dartford Bridge Primary


At Dartford Bridge Community Primary School, we believe that it is important for the children to be knowledgeable, at an age-appropriate level, about the changes brought about as our bodies grow. It is also important for the children to be prepared for the changes that adolescence brings as they approach this stage in their lives, drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the National Curriculum for Science. The content taught in Sex Education is appropriate for the age of the children in each year group.


Our inclusive Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum supports the objectives set out by the PSHE Association which meet the statutory requirements for Key Stage 1 and 2. It forms a core part of our comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) curriculum.


Our Aims

All aims for Relationships and Sex Education are taught through the Twinkl Life theme labelled ‘Relationships’. These lessons explore families and close positive relationships, friendships, managing hurtful behaviour and bullying, safe relationships and respecting self and others. All lessons cover content in an age-appropriate manner and they will be differentiated where appropriate, ensuring all children are able to participate fully.


Curriculum Content

In Year 4, the class teachers deliver a Menstrual Health Education sessions in Term 6 through the ‘Rethink Periods’ resources. This is taught as a separate sessions for the girls and boys in Year 4 and revisited in Year 5. Parents and Carers are able to request to view the content being covered and are encouraged to share concerns and ask questions. Parents and Carers do not have the right to withdraw their children from these sessions as they are statutory objectives. 


In Year 6, the children have a Sex Education session in Term 6. This is delivered by a member of staff and in 2 separate sessions for boys and girls. This aims to help the children feel more comfortable and confident to ask questions. Parents and Carers are invited to attend a presentation in Term 5 about the content being covered and are encouraged to share concerns and ask questions. Parents and Carers have the right to withdraw their children from this session and parents can make this clear to staff members via a letter which is distributed by the class teacher.


Delivering the Curriculum

Our Relationships and Sex Education lessons are taught by the class teachers, a familiar member of staff who the children feel comfortable with. Ground rules are established in class and the children are reminded of these on each session. Special consideration will be given when teaching particularly sensitive content and staff will be fully aware of the children in their class and how they might relate to the lesson content.


We aim to create and maintain a safe environment within which all children feel able to ask questions and discuss issues openly. For any child wishing to discuss something confidential, relating to the lesson content, an opportunity will be provided through the use of a question box or ‘Ask- it Basket’, which gives children the option to write down their questions and comments and then to receive an answer on a one-to-one basis, rather than in front of the whole class.


Distancing techniques will be employed in our Relationships and Sex Education, as with other areas of the PSHCE curriculum, meaning that children are able to discuss fictional characters and scenarios, rather than discuss their own lives and experiences if that makes them feel more comfortable.


Further Guidance

If you would like any further information please read the parent guidance documents below: