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Dartford Bridge Primary

School Meals

We are lucky to be working with Independent Catering, who offer a fantastic selection of school meals.

There are four options daily and these are provided free to all Year R and KS1 children currently. We are a no pork school and no pork options will be available.

You may be eligible for free school meals – please enquire in the office.

Price: £2.60 per day

Independent Catering

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The Chef's Zone

Independent Catering have created a series of fantastic, informative and fun videos that show how some of their meals are created and how you can make them to! 

In the first video, Chef Rad shows you how Independent Catering cook their delicious Cupcakes.

There are many more that can be found here

Packed Lunches

We promote healthy packed lunches.  Here is some advice and information.

A balanced packed lunch should contain:

  • starchy foods – these are bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and others
  • protein foods – including meat, fish, eggs, beans and others
  • a dairy item – this could be cheese or a yoghurt
  • vegetables or salad and a portion of fruit

Starchy foods are a good source of energy and should make up a third of the lunchbox. But don’t let things get boring. Instead of sandwiches, you could give children bagels, pitta bread, wraps and baguettes. Use brown, wholemeal or seeded bread, not just white bread.

Low Fat Snacks for Kids

Children often like food they can eat with their fingers, so chop up raw veggies such as carrots or peppers and give them hummus or cottage cheese to dip the veggies in.

Breadsticks and wholemeal crackers are great finger foods that can be spread with low-fat soft cheese or eaten with reduced-fat cheddar and pickles.

Replace chocolate bars and cakes with fresh fruit. Vary the fruit each day and get them to try new things, such as kiwi or melon. You could also make up a tasty fruit salad. Be inventive and encourage your children when they try something new. Note that dried fruit is no longer recommended as a between-meal snack as it’s high in sugar and can be bad for teeth.

More ideas for healthy food swaps are available online.

Save chocolate and sweets for occasional treats at home.  At DBCPS packed lunches can include a chocolate biscuit or cake or dessert as part of a balanced lunchbox.  Remember to praise your child when they’ve tried something new to show your encouragement we will also try to do this at school.

You can find lots of ideas for healthy lunches at Change4Life: healthy lunchbox ideas.

Please check the list below.

Not Allowed

  • Any sweets or chocolates: e.g. Milky Bars or Haribo.
  • No crisps. However, baked snacks and those offering a healthier alternative e.g. ‘Snack-a-jacks’, Sunbites or small bags of popcorn are permitted.
  • No nuts of any sorts (we have several children with severe allergies this includes peanut butter and chocolate spreads).
  • No carbonated drinks.


  • Muesli bars or cereal bars (avoiding chocolate-coated ones).
  • Bread sticks, pitta bread, bagels and buns.
  • Cheese
  • Vegetable sticks and tomato.
  • Yogurts, fruit, plain rice cakes, crisp bread and Ryvita.
  • Raisins, dates and dried fruits.
  • Pots of low sugar jelly, custard, or rice pudding.
  • Water and flavoured spring still water.
  • Fresh fruit juices(in small portions)/smoothies.
  • Low sugar Fruit Shoots or equivalent.

If there is something you are not sure about or your child has medical needs and requires something a little different we will always work with you to accommodate this so please come and talk to us.


Independent Catering